
Thank you! Appreciate your comment. Titus 2:2 is a great verse. God bless you!

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Good morning, Art--first day to appreciate you. Opening (KJV 1611) to Titus 2, I haven't even gotten yet to v 13, as my attention was caught by v 2: That the aged men be sober, grave, temperate. I thought immediately of the praise band in my PCUSA congregation, formed with intention of reaching a formerly un-churched population, and composed mostly of men at least 45. To musically-opinionated me (for whom sacred music is a most important pathway), it seemed that these guys were determined to rest in their rock-n-roll (or heavy metal--that period escaped me) youth. Just my very personal take. Thank you for leading me to this verse--every time I open the Bible (which is at least once daily these days), I notice something I had missed in previous readings..

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